Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sorry for the GAP!

Hi. This is Rick. Sorry it's been so long since you've heard from us...

Rick spent 2 weeks in the end of September in Greenville (150 miles SE of Monrovia, down the coast), helping get the ELWA Health Outreach project moving a little further, helping our new nurse, Naomi Olson, get settled there, and seeing patients and training the PAs and others....
And Deb is teaching at the new American school, and loving it, but working like crazy to keep up with it. Plus we have visitors at ELWA this month... a Radio engineer, a medical team....

After I got back from Greenville, I had a little over a week to catch up, and then I left for Senegal, to come see Max and celebrate his 16th birthday with him. WOW. So here I am in Senegal, at Max's dorm, trying to make a blog post, so you all don't feel we fell off the face of the earth.

Max is really enjoying the year this year... he's got a nice roommate, and enjoys the various classes, youth group, and activities. God has been doing some neat stuff among the students this year. But he's also looking forward to 7 months in the states, starting in about 3 months. Thanks for your prayers! More coming....

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