Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers' Day!

To all you moms out there--Happy Mother's Day!!!
We love you and appreciate you, and you know that if it weren't for you...
We wouldn't even be here!

I'm feeling a little empty place inside, since it's been just about a year since my mom went to be with Jesus. Someday I'll be able to tell her "thanks" again for all she did for me!

Here in Liberia, Mothers' Day has a slightly different flavor. At our church, the tradition is that a lady is asked to give the sermon (and today it was a real fiery one, on Ruth chapter 1--the three options a woman faces--be like Orpah (start on the road with God, but turn back after realizing it won't all be so pretty), be like Naomi (blame God, but at least return to him and experience his faithfulness), or be like Ruth (commit to God 100%, better or worse, until death). It was a great message.

Then after the message the Women's Department had a little fundraiser called a "pinning" to show appreciation to the moms in the service. They sell either ribbons (for 10 Liberian Dollars--about 17 cents) or candy (for 5 Liberian Dollars--about 8 cents) and you take the ribbon or candy to a mom (your own or someone else's) and pin the ribbon or the candy on her to tell her you love her and appreciate her. All the moms were asked to wear white today--So Deb got decorated quite nicely!!! Here she is right after the service.
Happy Mom's Day, Debbie!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mystery Photo #1 Revealed

Here it is .............The mystery photo was a closeup picture of this lobster's egg sac while the creature was under water. We have these Rock Lobsters here, and they are delish and not too expensive (our neighbor bought 10 for $40) but they don't have the great claws that Maine Lobster have - so you just get to eat the tail. We also have blue crab occasionally.
So we had a few ballpark guesses - some figured it was something marine. We heard from about 7 people I think. Guess we need to do some more publicity for this blog! Stay tuned for another mystery photo soon!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Scripts Newsletter

Hi again! We're just doing so many cool things with the internet these days. I've posted the newsletter that we're just putting out at:

So if you just can't wait, you can read it now. Especially if you want to know some more about Rick's medical activities, you'll like page 2.

This is the anniversary of the death of Rick's mom, Shirley Sacra. It's hard to believe a whole year has gone by. Pray along with us for Glenn today.

Have a good week. Still looking for someone to guess right on the mystery photo! We have one close guess. Tune in on Wednesday for the answer!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Jared the science guy

Check out our youtube video clip of Jared's new invention...

the zinc/copper/vinegar clock. The tension is building... The excitement is palpable... The victory is indescribable!!! This is Jared's science experiment for school, and Jared and Dad had a nice time putting it together. Check it out!

PS... I've now tried to enable comments. So please keep commenting and guessing on the last post. I'll post the "answer" in a couple days. Lotsa love, Rick

Mystery Photo Number 1

I've decided to find out who is really reading this blog...
So I'm going to post some interesting mystery photos on it, and I REALLY want you to participate in letting me know what the subject matter is! Thanks... we look forward to hearing from you !!! --Rick